The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

Books and coffee

Right from the beginning of the book we see that Avery has a “can do” attitude. She’s smart about the way she responds to problems because “she has to be” so when Mr Yates (her headteacher) accuses her of cheating she doesn’t get angry, instead, she agrees to sit the test again. 

When she has to live out of her car because her sister Libby decides to forgive her boyfriend she doesn’t sit and cry, she tells Maxine “you know me Maxine, I always land on my feet”. This really sets the tone for her character and makes us trust her even before we get into the nitty-gritty. 

Even though Avery’s life and the Hawthorne’s life is completely different there is a strange similarity between them. Both Tobias Hawthorne and Avery’s mum played games and riddles with them growing up.

In a different context, the two is unrelated as there may be many families who play riddles and games with each other. What makes the two interesting in the Inheritance Game is that the Hawthorne grandsons think this is the last riddle their grandad has played on them, and the only way to find out is to solve it. 

Tobias is one of the bigger game players I’ve come across in the world of fiction. We find out that Tobias gave himself the middle name “Tattersall” tatters all 20 years ago in August. Why would someone randomly give themself a name that suggests he will diminish all? The confusion doesn’t stop there. 

The name change happened after Tobias lost his son to a fire, however, even around this, there is controversy as some family members believe he disappeared and didn’t die in the fire. Like every other reader who walks this earth, I have a theory.. 

It’s important that I tell you I write my blogs as I’m reading the book. To be honest I don’t trust myself to remember the details so as I react to something I’ll note it down (so as I’m writing this I have no idea what will happen). My theory is that the homeless guy Avery speaks about in the beginning (Harry) is, or has something to do with Toby, the son who died. I mean how else can she and the Hawthorne family be connected? The narrative so far is that Tobias might have known Avery’s mother however I feel like the author has made that an obvious point, which makes me want to dig deeper!

The Inheritance Game is one of those books that pulls you in. The games that Tobias has set up for his grandchildren and Avery to solve brings the characters together. Even though this is a short book, the reader gets a good idea of the characteristics of each grandson and their connection with Avery. 

Talking of the characteristics of the grandsons, I didn’t know which one I fancied more! I liked Nash’s “I’m not fussed about the money” attitude and Xander’s boyish but smart ways. I struggled the most between Grayson and Jameson though, Grayson has a very “Mr Grey, 50 shades type” while Jameson is mysterious but more grounded. 

I’m not the only one who struggled with the two brothers as Avery also had a difficult time. Though she spends more time with Jameson and even shares a kiss there seems to be an unexplainable pull between Grayson and her. 

The attraction felt by the two brothers for Avery is often compared to Emily. If I’m being honest, I didn’t enjoy the whole “Emily would have wanted it to be this way” narrative. I feel like there is more to come from it in the sequel but in this book it just caused uneasiness. 


At the very end of the book to Avery’s and my surprise Harry turns out to be Toby!!!!! I don’t know what I’m more surprised at, the fact that my prediction was right or that the dead brother who changed Tobias forever is still alive. 

The book ends with so many unanswered questions! I’m curious as to who Avery will end up with? Why did Toby leave his family and his fortune to be a homeless guy? I feel like there may be an element of mental health in this. We also don’t know why Avery was the chosen one, why did her mum tell her that she has a secret about the day she was born?

All these unanswered questions and as always I’m looking forward to finding them out (can we have the second book now, please?)