Karolina Dalca, Dark Eyes.

I’m only a few pages into Karolina Dalca Dark Eyes by M. R Noble and I already know I’m not the target audience for this book. I am however someone who hates leaving books unread so I will continue reading and hope for the best! Who knows, I might re-live my Edward and Jacob fantasy… 

The story follows a half-vampire called Karolina Dalca. From the start of the book, Karolina’s life is fast-paced with all sorts going on. The first incident is losing her mother in a house fire, closely followed by fighting two vampires, then sleeping with her long term friend who is a werewolf to being captured by another vampire. 

I like reading fast-paced books. Books that are filled with events, but these events need to naturally flow into one another. Here, there is a sense of something tragic or unexpected happening but before the reader can digest this, something new happens. It feels like the reader is all over the place and the reading feels rushed. 

The concept of the book is interesting. What drew me to the book was the vampire vs werewolf storyline. Even though this isn’t a new take in this genre I like how the author added a cultural touch. From the start, we know that Karolina has a Romanian heritage from her mothers’ side and Russian from her fathers. It’s clear that Noble wants the readers to feel the presence of the two heritages as they are referenced often.

Like many storylines this too has a werewolf and vampire lover dilemma. Our girl Karolina has a love affair with both Ramon and Andre. Just like my Twilight days though I have sided with the vampire. There is just something hot and cold about vampires that keeps me engaged, whereas werewolves are hot and always available. Can you tell I have attachment issues with unavailable guys?! 

For all of her life Karolina’s mother kept her father’s side a secret. We learn that this was for good reason as when Karolina meets her uncle, Loukin, he sets her up with their life-long enemy Kazimir. Spoiler alert: in the end it is Karolina who defeats Kazimir. 

As you can tell I didn’t really enjoy this book. This is the first time I’ve written a negative review and I won’t lie it feels kind of weird. I once saw that authors like constructive criticism but I’ve checked Noble out online and she does not need my criticism ahah! The book has 4.28 stars on Goodreads so it’s my word against 3120 ratings :)))))

Against The Loveless World- Susan Abulhawa

Political fiction is one of my favourite genres, the books that make me feel most passionate about writing a review, but I never know if I’m doing the book, or author any justice. However, like many self-doubt obstacles, this doesn’t stop me from doing it. If anything it forces me to concentrate on every single word written so I understand it fully, or as much as I can. 

Nahr is a Palestinian refugee whose family immigrated to Kuwait from Palestine. Nahr marries young however a few months later her husband abandons her. She is forced to return to her family home and bear the struggles of a young divorced woman. 

Long after her divorce, Nahr attends a wedding celebration, this is where she meets Um Buraq. Um Buraq is a complex character, there are many times in the book where she empowers Nahr, despite being the very person who tricked her into prostitution. I can’t make my mind up on whether I hate her for taking Nahr down the dark path, or if I see her as a stronger, older female who takes care of Nahr. 

Against a Loveless World is a novel full of traumas. Nahr’s trauma of her husband leaving her, making her believe she’s unloveable, her encounters of prostitution, being belittled by disgusting men who accuse women like her for tempting them and following the devil.

These are two very powerful examples of how women suffer in a patriarchal society. Paying the consequences of an unloved ex-husband and being humiliated, treated like dirt by men who pray to God, follow their religion yet dismiss women for “tempting them”. 

Shortly into the novel, we witness Sadam’s invasion of Kuwait. Despite the general response of Kuwait’s reaction to the invasion, Nahr is in favour as she believes this will stop the West from invading. 

As a Kurd, I am inclined to bear hatred towards Sadam Hussein and his murderous regime. The Halabja chemical attack took place in 1988, the massacre killed between 3000-5000 people living 10 000 people injured. This was an act of murder committed by Sadam towards the Kurdish people living in Iraqi Kurdistan. 

The invasion of Sadam is unsuccessful in Kuwait as the US get involved and take control of the country. This forces Nahr and her family to flee to Jordan as the treatment of Palestinians in Kuwait worsens, despite the Palestinians embracing Kuwait as their own. 

After a while in Jordan Nahr goes to Palestine to divorce her husband. While in Palestine she stays with her ex-husband’s mother and brother. The brother Bilal, is a revolutionary in Palestine. He is the one who involves Nahr in the revolutionary movement in Palestine against the Israeli army. This is the reason Nahr endes up in The Cube. 

I want to end my summary of the book here to go on to talk about the truth that lies behind this book, as best as I can. This book is a glimpse of the terror the Israeli government causes in Palestine. From the month on end curfews to attacks on the people of Palestine, even it’s children- in attempts to assimilate the Palestinian culture and identity.

Living in the comfort of London, it’s authors like Abdulhawa who remind me of the reality people are living. The reality of foreigners coming into your country and your house, forcing you to relocate and live under constant surveillance and fear.  For us, it’s simple to go out to the shops, we don’t think about rationing food or if a solider will stop and interrogate us. 

Books like Against The Loveless World are a reminder to readers that we can raise awareness and support people who have suffered injustices. We can create a movement that starts with the author and continues with us. Readers spread the word to friends and family, talk about it online and more and more people hear about the matter. There is so much power in literature, Susan Abdulhawa is proof of this, readers like you and I are proof of this.

Ghosts by Dolly Alderton

I think the most gripping thing about Ghosts is how relatable it is. I felt like I was listening to a podcast rather than a book. One episode was about dating apps, the other about mother and daughter relationships and the irritation that comes with it.

The book is real in the most non-dramatic way. Nina isn’t a well-known lawyer whose marriage is falling apart, or she’s not in a scandal which will ruin her life. She’s an ex English teacher and a writer who goes through her day to day life, experiencing day to day things. 

Nina starts dating a guy called Max. The “relationship” doesn’t last very long as Max is a commitment-phobe and not very honest about the extent of it. After their break-up, Nina gets stuck on Max for a while, re-reading text messages or playing games of “if I do this he will text back”. 

We’ve all been there. We spend countless hours/days re-living the little encounters and waiting for that person to text you. It’s the hopeful picking up of the phone after a few minutes of not being on it, or rushing out of the shower to check if you have a text message but your phone turns out to be completely empty. 

What really got me out of all the waiting Nina did was the cheek of Max. I recently saw a comment on Instagram which said: “All men have is the audacity”, this is what I thought of when Max went back to Nina. His excuse for ghosting her being the lousy “it got all too intense” when all along it was him who pushed things forward! 

It’s the individuals in our life who make things way more complicated than they need to be. It’s even worse when we are that individual, we overthink and get into muddled up situations. 

Another part of the book I could relate to (how much I related to this actually shocked me) was when Nina and Lola went to Lucy’s hen do. Hen do’s are such a weird environment, everyone invited is good friends with the bride, however, the other guests don’t know much about each other. 

Listening to Ghosts on Audible made me realise that finding a character annoying when you’re reading is very different to when you listen to a book. 

Franny, you are an unbearable woman, the kind that takes “kill them with kindness” to a whole new level. Listening to Nina’s encounters with Franny forced me to think about how uncomfortable these people are, and I’m confident that we’ve all met at least one Franny in life. 

Ghosts is a great listen/read if you’re looking for something light but incredibly relatable. Think of it as a podcast about an ordinary girl’s life. 

The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

Books and coffee

Right from the beginning of the book we see that Avery has a “can do” attitude. She’s smart about the way she responds to problems because “she has to be” so when Mr Yates (her headteacher) accuses her of cheating she doesn’t get angry, instead, she agrees to sit the test again. 

When she has to live out of her car because her sister Libby decides to forgive her boyfriend she doesn’t sit and cry, she tells Maxine “you know me Maxine, I always land on my feet”. This really sets the tone for her character and makes us trust her even before we get into the nitty-gritty. 

Even though Avery’s life and the Hawthorne’s life is completely different there is a strange similarity between them. Both Tobias Hawthorne and Avery’s mum played games and riddles with them growing up.

In a different context, the two is unrelated as there may be many families who play riddles and games with each other. What makes the two interesting in the Inheritance Game is that the Hawthorne grandsons think this is the last riddle their grandad has played on them, and the only way to find out is to solve it. 

Tobias is one of the bigger game players I’ve come across in the world of fiction. We find out that Tobias gave himself the middle name “Tattersall” tatters all 20 years ago in August. Why would someone randomly give themself a name that suggests he will diminish all? The confusion doesn’t stop there. 

The name change happened after Tobias lost his son to a fire, however, even around this, there is controversy as some family members believe he disappeared and didn’t die in the fire. Like every other reader who walks this earth, I have a theory.. 

It’s important that I tell you I write my blogs as I’m reading the book. To be honest I don’t trust myself to remember the details so as I react to something I’ll note it down (so as I’m writing this I have no idea what will happen). My theory is that the homeless guy Avery speaks about in the beginning (Harry) is, or has something to do with Toby, the son who died. I mean how else can she and the Hawthorne family be connected? The narrative so far is that Tobias might have known Avery’s mother however I feel like the author has made that an obvious point, which makes me want to dig deeper!

The Inheritance Game is one of those books that pulls you in. The games that Tobias has set up for his grandchildren and Avery to solve brings the characters together. Even though this is a short book, the reader gets a good idea of the characteristics of each grandson and their connection with Avery. 

Talking of the characteristics of the grandsons, I didn’t know which one I fancied more! I liked Nash’s “I’m not fussed about the money” attitude and Xander’s boyish but smart ways. I struggled the most between Grayson and Jameson though, Grayson has a very “Mr Grey, 50 shades type” while Jameson is mysterious but more grounded. 

I’m not the only one who struggled with the two brothers as Avery also had a difficult time. Though she spends more time with Jameson and even shares a kiss there seems to be an unexplainable pull between Grayson and her. 

The attraction felt by the two brothers for Avery is often compared to Emily. If I’m being honest, I didn’t enjoy the whole “Emily would have wanted it to be this way” narrative. I feel like there is more to come from it in the sequel but in this book it just caused uneasiness. 


At the very end of the book to Avery’s and my surprise Harry turns out to be Toby!!!!! I don’t know what I’m more surprised at, the fact that my prediction was right or that the dead brother who changed Tobias forever is still alive. 

The book ends with so many unanswered questions! I’m curious as to who Avery will end up with? Why did Toby leave his family and his fortune to be a homeless guy? I feel like there may be an element of mental health in this. We also don’t know why Avery was the chosen one, why did her mum tell her that she has a secret about the day she was born?

All these unanswered questions and as always I’m looking forward to finding them out (can we have the second book now, please?) 

Knightmare Arcanist by Shami Stovall


Our protagonist Volke is excited about joining the rest of the Island to watch phoenixes bond which happens every ten years. Volke wants to be the chosen one because arcanists are the most influential people in society. 

During the bonding Volke does one of the most daring things and unexpectedly joins in on the competition to be the Arcanist. His clear disadvantage in life leads to him being bullied off the stage. 

After some trouble Volke and Illia (Volke’s best friend) finally become arcanists. To be an arcanist they must train in different cities and eventually travel the world. The idea of leaving the island, even though he has spent his life dreaming of it gives Volke anxiety. 

As this book is about mythical creatures readers like me who don’t usually read this genre may feel a little out of touch, or maybe out of our depth would be a better way of describing it. However, as the character development starts and we witness how much Volke wants to become an arcanist we begin to form a connection with him. 

I’m excited to find out how Volke overcomes these emotions and how being an arcanist assists him in doing so. I wonder how I will interpret this and apply it to my own life (this is a common trait for a reader right? aha). 

Okay, so I’m halfway through the book and so far it’s been interesting. I know which characters I like and which I dislike (Zaxis). The book has been steady in terms of storyline but I just hit a major plot-twist. I’m in a state of shock and excitement. I would say this plot-twist has taken my interest levels from 6/10 to 10/10. This will definitely change the course of things for Volke and many others. 

Spoiler alert 

In this half of the blog I will be giving away more spoilers so enter at your own risk aha. 

Once I find out that Ruma killed Luthair’s previous arcanist I was left a bit confused. The bad guy went from being Zaxis to Ruma who is Volke’s role model. Like Volke, I also had doubts on how true this could be and if it was true, how Volke would fight against the strongest arcanist in the world. 

As the story continues we get to know Zelfree and have the chance to compare Ruma and Zelfree. Because Zelfree’s character is a drunk, someone who turns up late or doesn’t show up at all this started to plant the seed of doubt in my mind. All along while he was acting shady it was Ruma who was looking after his apprentices so this made me feel like maybe Luthair was wrong or mistaking the killer of his previous arcanist. 

What really made me believe this was finding out about Zelfree’s ability to impersonate. As soon as I read that I thought that Zelfree had impersonated Ruma and killed Luthiar’s previous arcanist. 

Spoiler over

I don’t want to rewrite the book or give too many spoilers away so I’ll end the spoilers there. 

All in all, I really enjoyed this book. As the reader, you can tell that this book is part of a sequel because there are questions that are left unanswered. 

When I finished the book I was really surprised by how invested I was in the character development and the events that happen. I have no doubt that Volke will go on to fulfil his dreams. I think him and some of the other male characters may clash however they will be a powerful duo in the end. I have no idea who his heart will pick in the end or what will happen to the love affairs but I have a feeling that the author may give us a major plot twist there also because the one in this book was just out of this world. 


Self-isolation reading list- part 1


As March 2020 finally comes to an end we’re faced with a very long April. Many of us are now working from home, not leaving the house unless we have to and generally sticking to the government guidelines for the general good of public health. 

As we’re staying home we have a lot more time on our hands (ps wash your hands). During this time I’ve turned to books. I’m usually someone who reads a lot however I don’t remember the last time I read 4 books within a few weeks. 

Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

After reading Dracula by Bram Stoker (see review here https://bit.ly/3aHJXQz ) I knew I had to read Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. This book really took me by surprise. For all these years I had a narrative set in my head of the storyline. The narrative in my head was so far from the book which made it more enjoyable. 

Shelley takes the readers on a European journey and paints beautiful pictures of green valleys and ice-cold lakes. In this book, there is science, love, tragedy and compassion. As readers, we ask who the real monster is: the creator or the monster. 

The year of the death of Ricardo Reis by Jose Saramago

I want to start with how happy I am by adding Jose Saramago to my reading list. Saramago is an author who will add substance and culture to any bookshelf. I picked this book up because it was suggested on Instagram after I confessed my love to Fernando Pessoa, the Portuguese poet. 

This book is all about dialogue, however, don’t let that put you off as it isn’t written as a script. Apparently Saramago doesn’t like to use speech marks. 

The flow of the book is amazing, there’s culture, history, literature and love. The storyline is a little out of the norm. There is nothing in the book that gets you particularly hooked or excited about. The reason I enjoyed this book was simply due to its rich cultural texts. Saramago’s take on class difference, discusses literature with Pessoa and has no real aim even though he is a doctor (an educated man as he likes to say). 

I would suggest this book if you miss having intellectual conversations with your friends and family. 

Necropolis by Santiago Gamboa

The passion I have for Gamboa’s work is really like no other. I enjoy his writing, way of thinking, character development and the suspense he builds. 

Necropolis is the second book I’ve read from Gamboa.  Some time ago I reviewed his Night Prayers shorturl.at/suT25 (I would say that I enjoyed Night Prayers more as there was more suspense). 

Necropolis is a book you’ll enjoy if you like having conversations about literature. The whole book is based on a literary convention where great minds come together and share their stories. Take Saramago’s The year of the death of Richardo Reis, add suspense, more action, suicide and a cult and here you have Nicopolis. 

The Tattooist of Auschwitz by Heather Morris

Anything that is based on a real-life story is bound to play on your heartstrings. Over the past few months, The Tattooist of Auschwitz has fast become a must-read. 

I enjoy reading about people’s accounts of the war. I feel that it’s a different perspective than what the media and some history books tell us. Most of us are lucky now as we can spread awareness or share our story on social media. We as ordinary people have more power now than we ever have had. Unfortunately, during the Nazi Concentrations camps, this wasn’t the case so we have books such as this one to help understand individual struggle and survival. 

This is a beautiful book about love, struggle and survival. 

That is my current list of books read during self-isolation. I’m curious to find out how many more I will add before things go back to normal. I hope you enjoyed it and stay safe!

A strangeness in my mind



This is the first Orhan Pamuk novel I’ve finished, my first read of 2020! A few years back I started reading My Name is Red however never managed to finish it due to my low commitment. I can now proudly say that I finish most books I start aha. 

I admire authors like Pamuk because he gets inspiration from real-life events and history. This becomes more interesting when the author shares similar views to you. Reading about Turkey, starting from the Ottoman empire to recent years, how cities urbanised and how people adapted to these changes. 

Then there are, of course, the injustices that took place. I personally don’t enjoy authors who ignore history or write-in favour of those in power, this is mainly due to how much I enjoy historical fiction. For me, an author who writes about history and the misfortunes people have suffered are the best kind of authors because the book will live on forever. 

When I first started the novel I didn’t really enjoy the different perspectives. I thought I liked the good old narration and one person perspective but as I read on I saw that reading from different perspectives gave the whole picture and different interpretations of situations. 

This novel is really a story of a family who migrates from the village to a bigger City, Istanbul with one thing in mind. To find a better job and make a better living. As the story goes on we see similarities between Mevlut (our main character) life with his father and life with his wife, wives. 

Mevlut’s character is very simple. There were many times that this annoyed me. His naive nature and love for selling Boza (a Turkish drink) even when he had a better-paid job annoyed me. He isn’t the most ambitious character and is such a yes person that I found it hard to relate to him. 

While his cousins get involved in politics (the fascist side) and make big connections all Mevlut wants to do is sell Boza. This is why as his cousins get richer and start established businesses Mevlut does not have much to count for, just like his father. 

What really drew me to this book was the title. A Strangeness in my mind suggests mental health. I would have prefered if this book really tackled how a migrant from the village deals with mental health. The details of their thoughts and how city life impacts him. 

The novel does touch on Mevlut’s thoughts however it isn’t till the last few pages that we get a detailed account of this. Pamuk finally reveals why Mevlut loves selling Boza and roaming the streets. 

All in all, I would suggest this book if you’re interested in detail. If you want to become a part of the novel and have insight into the characters’ lives. If you’re someone who doesn’t enjoy a lot of detail or enjoy tension building then this is probably not the one for you.

The color purple by Alice Walker

alice walker

The color purple is my first book on Audible. This is the perfect book to start with if you’re new to audio books, especially during this time of self-isolation. The book is narrated by Alice Walker which made it even more special for me. As the author, the connection between Walker and Celie can be felt through her narration. You feel her voice getting stronger as Celie begins to gain independence. Listening to a book through the author’s voice can really make or break the book, in this case, it truly made it.

The story starts with the 14-year-old girl, Celie. From the start of the book the reader (or listener in my case) knows that Celie has not had a “normal childhood”. We know that there is pain in her life and at a very young age she has been forced to act in certain ways, regardless of this Celie isn’t a spiteful character.

Celie loves her sister Nettie and it’s their love, alongside another that keeps her going. Celie starts by writing letters to God, I love that Walker did this because it shows us Celie’s true emotions and what she makes of situations. I feel like it’s brutally honest, we get to really feel Celie and connect with the character and the book.

I think this is why I felt so empowered and emotional after I finished the book. I felt Celie and wanted to do something more for women and really felt proud of women like Celie.

The hierarchy between men and women is very clear throughout the book. The men are very “traditional”, many times it’s suggested that a woman’s role is to do as the husband pleases. Her voice is to be used to agree with the man and in some cases, even that doesn’t matter. However, every female character in this book proves herself and her authority over her own life. Towards the end of the book, the men too become to understand them.

What makes all this even greater is that the book was published in 1982. The growth of Celie’s independence, the sisterhood, and the understanding the men gain throughout the book is even more important to me when you take this book back to 1982 and not 2019.

This is why I would argue that Walker is a forward thinker and she is one of the female authors who gets the debate going and really adds to feminist literature. When you think about it women in mainstream media are just supporting each other, movements like #metoo have had an amazing impact on women and our relationship with one another.

So when you look at The Color Purple and feminism today you can confidently say that this book is an inspiration. I myself feel like I owe Celie and people like Celie who have been forced to be at the bottom of society’s hierarchy however still shown resilience and a massive fuck you to the world.

Sisterhood is another strong theme in the book. Celcie continues to have a good relationship with her sister through the letters she writes and receives from Nettie. Celie’s admiration even before she meets Shug is also apparent. What is great about their relationship is that Shug gives Celie confidence that helps her find her inner voice, and Celie gives Shug love and care.

I am a big believer in sisterhood so for me it was really heartwarming to see that Celie and Shug made each other stronger and happy. Sisterhood and survival go hand in hand for the two.

I would 100% suggest this book, if you are someone who is touched by subjects such as survival and sisterhood then this is one not to miss.

Caitlin Moran- How to be a woman

catlin moran

I think it’s fair to say Moran is a controversial character, I’ve heard this so many times however I never really understand why, that was until I started listening to her book “how to be a woman”- that’s when it all made sense to me.

I want to start with the points she makes that I agreed with. It makes more sense to do this as there is a lot more I questioned about her book than just simply accept or agree.

Moran says (I am not quoting her word for word):

-All art is someone trying to tell you something and every book is another life. I agree with this and Frida Kahlo is a great example, through her art she showed us that women do grow hair and that is okay (her art is so much more than my simple sentence so please forgive me.

-The word feminist is exciting. Yes, it is.

-Not being afraid to call someone out for being wrong. This is something I live my life by especially when it comes to men and women behaving in traditional sexist ways or making excuses for it.

-Boys aren’t told what they have to do or say as much as girls are. This is true especially coming from a foreign background, I would say that is actually why the girls in my family are more responsible than the boys. Thanks but no thanks.

-Feminism isn’t about hating men. This is true, Moran has done this very well in her book as she hates women and questions them more than she questions patriarchy.

Things I disagreed with:

-Male feminists are glorious, now that is true because all feminists are glorious, the ones who of course don’t hate men. So isn’t saying men who are feminist are glorious almost putting men on the same pedestal that patriarchy has put them on. Why can’t men and women who are feminist be equally as glorious?

-Women have played dead all of history and we are now coming to life. Lol she really said that. I have a degree in History and can safely say that women have never played dead, patriarchy has been so strong that we have been for centuries forced to not speak up as they have been very good at silencing us. This isn’t playing dead, these are the women who paved the way for us feminist today.

Question, is someone who uses the N and P word a racist? If you ask me they are and it made me so uncomfortable that Moran as a white woman used these terms. How can you write a book about being a woman but exclude women from other backgrounds?!

Moran doesn’t stop there unfortunately, she also brings Islam into it. She talks about women wearing a burqa for men and this being a form of control. Now you’d think that before writing a whole book you would do some research into the things you’re going to discuss. If Moran did this she would know that women who wear a burqa do it for Allah (also known as God). This is not to say that some women are not forced however in its fundamentals it is for Allah. I think it’s pretty disgusting that she excludes women as and when she feels like.

-More excluding by Moran, she argues that having children are worthless. How many has she got you ask? Two lol.

-She slams Katie Price and women who want to be wags. Isn’t judging women for who they want to be or do with their bodies what patriarchy has been doing to us all these years? She also compares women like Madonna and Lady Gaga, like what is the point? Why compare women who have been compared with all sorts by society? Aren’t you adding to this disgusting behavior instead of trying to change it as a “feminist”?!

-Women need to find a non-judgemental arena. Bloody hell this woman has no idea. Imagine writing a book judging and excluding women only to argue we need a judgment-free arena.

I listened to the book on YoutTube, Moran herself was reading it and to be honest I disagreed with it so much that it became a chore. I didn’t finish the book. I don’t know how the book ends so please do update me if she changes her course.

It’s unfortunate that some people will pick this book up and accept it to be feminism.

Veronika decides to die- Paulo Coelho



I closed the book, put it down on my lap, looked up and thought what the fuck.

I didn’t see the end coming at all. Coelho has gone and done it again. From his books I’ve read so far, I can say that he is an inspirational writer and with Veronika decides to die he achieves exactly that.

I don’t want to give away spoilers but I guess it’s fair to say that Veronika wanted to die without giving away much lol.

When I was reading the reasons as to why Veronika decided to die, I just sat there and thought- I sort of can’t blame her. The reasons for why she thought there was no point in going on are thoughts I can understand.

These aren’t necessarily depressing thoughts believe it or not. Veronika explains her life, she has a pretty simple one, no major issues but nothing that exciting. Unlike Jeffree, I can relate.

Sadness and suicide is a prominent theme in this book. Each character adds their own bit of bitter to create the cold walls of Villette, the mental hospital. The book is pretty much based in this hospital and during these scenes, Coelho does not fail to make you feel the circumstances of the hospital while witnessing the little changes in everyone’s life.

Hope is an emotion that slowly drips in throughout this book. There are certain characters who are aware of their situation, having treatment in a mental hospital, however, are okay with how things are going. Then there are characters that Veronika changes the lives of and they decide that death isn’t the answer and there is much to be lived.

This is NOT suggesting that mental health is an illness in which we can decide if we are well or not, however, there are characters in this book who are well enough to make the judgment of staying or leaving the hospital.

Coelho really enables the reader to understand the perspective of the main characters, their emotions, their background stories and how one impacts another. I can’t really say much more without giving something away but it’s got me thinking about how people impact my life and maybe how I impact theirs.

The book is short and really easy to follow, it’ll take the average reader a few days to read. My overall feeling about it is that I really didn’t see the ending coming. I was so confused by the ending that I had to go online and read reviews to make sure I had got the right understanding- does anyone else do this?

I would suggest this book if you want a light read with a deeper meaning- that is how I would sum this book up.